Monday, March 3, 2008


Hey Tiger Scouts,

I'm just formulating some ideas for this meeting on Sunday and wanted to see if anyone has any suggestions. I'm thinking that 7:00 is a good time to do it. This time we're going to try and have it in the MARB on BYU campus. Does that fly with everybody? It's going to be pretty sweet. Review Maf's post at the end of Feb. about what we're going to review at the beginning of the meeting and come prepared with ideas and info. We're going to have a sick wick little time.




The Danville Boys said...

sounds good to me fooch butt.

nbr said...

the MARB? um i kinda dont remember where that is. Can we walk pool?

PJ Andersen said...

Yes we can walk. You might want to just meet at lib square a little early. I dunno beebs?