Thursday, July 31, 2008

Resurrect a Classic

How long does it take to resurrect a C.D. that you played to death?

For me it takes about 5 years. Senior year of high school I played Five Iron Frenzy's live album so much that I could not bare to listen to it again. I almost considered throwing it away just to be free of it.

A few weeks ago I was going through my old C.D.s and I found it and thought I would try it out again. It was awesome. A blast from the past with the freshness of a new album. Though I could still sing each song word for word, I was able to fully enjoy them without being sick of them.

I send out a call to all of you boys... Remember the days of Compact Discs, before MP3 players even existed. Search through the netherworlds of your old CD cases and find the forgotten classics. Bring them forth in the morning of their first Resurrection, and enjoy music in one of its purest forms.

Monday, July 21, 2008

I'm engaged.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Summer Updates

Well guys, I have to say I am a little bit disappointed with the blog.

We have all been pretty terrible at posting and commenting this summer.
So the purpose of this post is to get everyone else to post.
Since we have not had a boys meeting in a while,
I don't know what most of you are doing!

So make a post or even just a comment on this post
and tell us what you have been up to. Where you have been working, what classes you have been taking, any fun adventures you have been on, How your dating life is going, Anything you want to tell us, we want to hear!

So this is a picture of an activity we had the other night at Josh's house. We made spray paint solar systems like those guys in San Francisco make. It was a pretty fun activity and pretty inexpensive.

As for me, my life is going really well.
I feel I have been really blessed this summer by the Lord.

I have had the chance to work three jobs this summer, all of which have been good for me. First I had a research internship at the Fremont Group in San Francisco. That was super fun and I learned a lot. Next I have been working the past month at a place called Cantaloupe Systems, in Berkeley. I have been assisting the accountant there and helping with collecting overdue accounts receivable. It wasn't the funnest job at all, but it was good experience. And finally, I am going to work for pool Chlor again for the last month of summer. This isn't really good experience, or great for my resume, but it's good money, and that's something we need right now.

Other than work life is going great. Nicki is 6 1/2 months pregnant
and for those who haven't heard we are having a baby boy!
We feel so lucky because we have the chance to start our family this year. It is a little bit scary, especially knowing that I have the responsibility to provide for this little family. But again the Lord has been helping us so much, and I know we will be just fine.

Well boys, that's pretty much how my life's going right now.
What is going on with you guys?
Let us know.