Tuesday, March 25, 2008

PJ's Symphonic Band Concert

TUESDAY: April 1st, 2008
De Jong Concert Hall

Admission Is Free!

7:30 pm

Bring a date and you'll be way popular,
or just come and cheer for me and hear some sick British Music.
It'll be great!!!!!

(Fiona advanced)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Johnny B's mish pics

Here is a random sampling:

Cool artwork along the shore of the lake. There were other interesting artifacts, but this was by far the best.

Random artillery units on the ground near a WWII era Soviet sub.

Guess what's going on? No that is not Putin signing a Presidential Order, they are getting MARRIED!! I know, that's not me, but I am taking the photo.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Nick's Mish Pics

My companion in the MTC. He is from Norman, Oklahoma and his front tooth decided that it needed to fall out while we were in the MTC. Crazy if you ask me, so this is the picture we took the next morning after the tooth fairy decided not to show up. (No girls allowed in Elders rooms at the MTC, duh.)

The Gangsters (CHOLOS) knew who was proselyting in their area (me) and they had to announce I was there. "NBR!" word

Some genius decided there should be a crosswalk to the curb on the other side of the street. Hats off to efficiency! And I had to test it out.

PJ's mission pics

That's my comp. My mission president and his wife are the couple looking on with horror.
(I was just taking the pic, so not my bad)

This is how I spent most of my time.

I think I saw this one in the Liahona.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

MAF's mission photos

Being sacrificed over Barcelona

Flying Squirrel on the Valencia Cathedral's bell tower

My African Brothas

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

What Month is It?

With all the resent posts excluding MAF.com's (which means 1, and maf keep them coming) i have noticed from a 40 mile distance that it is spring time. and spring time means only one thing... If you havent clicked on any of the picture links or you just havent seen bambi enough Spring means LOVE and I too am involved in this recent quest. If any of us are gonna get married soon I guess I better get going, or else we will all be waiting till age Spiritual Prison to find wives. Here is one hint that I have to help find that certain something... someone. And i found it in a wonderful article called How to Find a Boyfriend: 15 Tips from Professional Matchmakers I may be centered toward a female, butte like the gospel we should apply it to ourselves. Also Mustache March Can certainly help. Check out the movement its become
Lust you guys!!


Monday, March 17, 2008


So Maf told me about this very special event and it sounded perfect for you guys. HA! Just JK rowling with ya. But I'm pretty sure Brian, Spen, and JD already signed up.

Speed Dating

March 22nd 7:00pm WSC 3224

Please pre-register at Women's Services

Are You Having Trouble Finding Your Eternal Companion?

Do You Want to Get Out of the Ward Boundaries and Meet New People?


Due to popular demand Women's Services and Resources is hosting SPEED DATING on March 22 starting at 7:00pm in 3224 WSC.

In order to participate please pre-register with Women's Services and Resources by stoping by our office in 3326 WSC or e-mailing us your contact information at wsr@byu.edu

This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it

Results of the Poll

Well everyone, the results are in.

The Next of the Boys to receive a MARRIAGE LICENSE is....

Nick Ras
Winner with 61% of the votes

(Brought to you by MAF.com)

HI Guys,

My Uncle Brian had brain surgery last week. We went to visit him in the University of Utah Hospital and he is slowly getting better, but if you could remember to pray for him that would be awesome. Thanks boys,


Friday, March 14, 2008

Fists of RAGE

Just a little reverse evolution going on.
DARKSIDE style!!!


Thursday, March 13, 2008

Get your Lada here.

"Come get your Lada," says Stan the used car salesman from Monkey Island 8: The USSR Takes over.

Really, he is the coolest used everything salesman in the world. You can get boats and coffins and all sorts of good stuff from him.

For those who really cars, which I doubt is anyone, that is the standard Soviet car, albeit they usually have windows, doors, and an engine. It was the only car I got to "drive" on my mission, though I did ride in the front seat in a car with the steering wheel on the wrong side. That was weird up the wazoo.

Джонни Б

Crossing Columbia is looking for a singer!

My brother's (Stephen's) band, Crossing Columbia, is auditioning new singers. Let everyone know, and get people to try out, even if they suck.

Monday, March 10, 2008


Who was the silly GoObEr that said that I was gonna get married next? Girls don't like me, remember?

Sunday, March 9, 2008


Whether our petus just had stage fright or whether creating millions of cells, tissues, and even body parts and organs just requires a fierce pumping, our baby's heart beat on Friday was going at 170 beats per minute! What a thrill it was to realize that roaring motor-like pulsing was from my, Mindy's and my, living baby! It was the first time we'd had any signs, other than Mindy's morning(/all-day :) sickness that our petus was there, living, and growing. The doppler instrument you see is what the doctor put against Mindy's slightly grown belly that amplified the heart beat enough for us to hear it. It was really cool... Maf and Nicki, look forward to it... for the rest of you... it's really cool... look forward to it as well.

I'm excited to get together again tonight!

Love ya all, the petus's dad

Saturday, March 8, 2008

This REALLY is Confucius



Some may be wondering just as I am about what time the meeting really is on sunday. And is it really at Terry's house or does that mean terry lives in the MARB. If the meeting is at 9:00 on sunday does that mean meet at the MARB at 8:45 to walk pool to Terry's? Or does 9:00 mean 9:25 like last time? Could 21:00 also be a possible meeting time? Who's on first? Maybe one of the bromleys know.


"best friends catch each other... | / _

Friday, March 7, 2008


How big is your network?
LinkedIn is the next big this since facebook. LinkedIn is a rapidly growing, business-oriented social network mainly used for professional networking. Some think it accurately reflects their popularity level and future possibility of success in the business world. Studies have found that this may be true. What is the lesson? Life is all about connections, so let's get linked in.



Danville Boys,

There is a slight change of plans for the boys meeting this Sunday. Due to the fact that our brother Jonnie B has a family dinner and our other brother Terry Hagen has to sing for a fireside, we have scheduled the meeting for 9:00 instead of 7:00. If this is not going to work for someone, please let me know as soon as possible and we’ll work something out.

The location of the meeting has also changed to a more comfortable atmosphere, Terry Hagen’s house! He lives at 341 N. 400 W. in a house. So be there on time at nine and don’t whine or I’ll slap your behine.

Also, we’re going to have a little picture competition. I want you to email me, (or just bring to the meeting), three pictures from your mission or post mission. We’re going to have a competition for the funniest mission pic. They don’t all have to be funny, just at least find one. You can email them to me at llamastrings@hotmail.com

Don’t forget to come prepared with ideas for our boys outing (that we hope to do before school gets out), and with a brief description of what you’re planning on doing with your life (you don’t have to write it down or anything, just be ready to share).

Sound good? Ok. . .cool. Let me know if you have any questions.

See ya then!!!!!!!!!!



Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Sorry for being lamo and not posting, but Maff called me to repentance. A couple of my memories of the golden days:

Potential male cheerleaders being taught by Bronwyn
"Death, hate, out nation's fate"
Collecting soda cans that rotted somewhere
Pole dancing
Launching items from the coverings over the tables in the quad (I think Mark Stordahl was resposible for that)
And many more

Peace out boys

Johhny B

PS: Sorry, but I have a family dinner this Sunday night. I'll try to be back as early as possible, but I don't think I'll make it.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Petus

PETUS: A petus (or poetus or pœtus) is a developing peterson or other viviparous vertebrate, after the embryonic stage and before birth. The plural is petuses, or sometimes peti.

Monday, March 3, 2008


Hey Tiger Scouts,

I'm just formulating some ideas for this meeting on Sunday and wanted to see if anyone has any suggestions. I'm thinking that 7:00 is a good time to do it. This time we're going to try and have it in the MARB on BYU campus. Does that fly with everybody? It's going to be pretty sweet. Review Maf's post at the end of Feb. about what we're going to review at the beginning of the meeting and come prepared with ideas and info. We're going to have a sick wick little time.



Return to Flowerland

Hey Boys,

If you haven't seen the Munch or the Fij lately
here is a video they made a few weeks ago. Enjoy,


Sunday, March 2, 2008

What do you get when you combine style and ease? STEEZE

Dear Fellow fellows,

With all this talk of moving to Santa Barbara, there have been some concerns that have risen up. As most of you know, I really enjoy snowboarding, and I go about twice a week. This tradition will continue next year. Snowboarding (or skiing) is so much more fun with friends, and I think it would be fun for all of us to get passes to the same resort. If anybody is interested in that, let me know. I prefer going to Brighton, but I need to try some other resorts out this season. So let's all be friends and ski together. The end.

Santa Barbara?!?!

We're moving to Santa Barbara!!!!

Yep, that's right.
PJ (Danville Boy: dater of women),
Josh, Dan, Spen, Brian, JD,
Faf, Steve, David, maybe Shae,
Josh's cousin Brant, and our buddy Dayne,
and when Don gets home we're getting him a spot too!!!!!
We all got contracts and it's gonna be sick!!
If any one else wants in, just give me a call.
This is going to be the craziest year yet.

P.S. Santa Barbara is an apartment complex. . . .
so unfortunately,we're not really moving to California.

Just to remenisce

Remember this video? IT still kicks some serious tail! Just thought i would re-spark the memry banc.

AND CONGRATS TO MATT AND MAF and their respective wives.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

News Flash....

I just thought you boys should all know.
Nicki and I are going to have a baby!

It is due in October, and we are
super excited!