Sunday, April 27, 2008

Coming this Fall . . .

Well guys, after a lifetime of Showbiz, I have finally graduated to the next level and will be performing with the BYU Young Ambassadors starting next Fall. Next Spring, we'll be touring to Scandinavia. It's honestly a dream come true for me and I'm stoked!!! Thanks for being so supportive and come see all our shows!



nbr said...

JORSH!!! CONGRATS! That is incredible man! I am so happy for you and excited to see you perform on the next level! Who knows you may even find your wife there. In scandanavia of course.

Brian said...

Yay for scandinavian girls!! (and you too Josh)

Brian said...
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MAF said...


WooooWOooooooo!!!!! You are the Maaaan baby! I am so proud of you! you deserve it. knock them dead. And I will be on the front row next year for your show... With tomatoes!

Liz said...

Congratulations Josh! I'm so excited for you . . . and slightly jealous. I would have loved to have been in Young Ambassadors, except, of course, for the fact that I don't quite have that singing thing down. I'm not so sure I know how to dance any more either.

Rachel U said...

yay for josh!! i cant wait to come see your shows!

you guys need a new post. coooome oooon its spring. there has to be something exciting going on in one of your lives!