Sunday, April 20, 2008

PDGA-Public Display of (frisbee) Golf Awesomeness.

That's right boys, We're not in showbiz anymore, so let's get over the whole PDgA thing.. K PDGA is actually the nerdy name for frisbee golf. Spencer Rex Peterson was recently introduced to this new "sport", and it has forever changed his life. After stumbling across the hidden disc golf park, he has been converted. So let's crack open our little shells a little bit, and take a few steps in life and try something new! For those of you that aren't going back to Danville, Stephen (my brother) and I play disc golf a lot. There are quite a few courses in Utah Valley. If anyone would like to learn how to play or just goof around with us, we are more than happy to lend them some discs while they learn. So don't be shy and show off that public display of golf awesomeness.

1 comment:

MAF said...

You should check out aspen grove if you haven't yet. They have a course there.