Thursday, May 8, 2008

Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth

Hello my fellow sit-a-sins. I have some marvelous news and some not so marvelous news (see picture). Not so marvelous=i broke my front tooth (#9 for you dentist nerds), and had toe get a crown put on. For those of you who are thinking about doing this, DON'T. It hurts like mad. I also cracked my other two teeth next to that one, but they're fine. Oh bad news #2... Sharks lost to the Stars. My list of hatred towards Texas continues to grow. GooD nEWs!! I got accepted into the Visual Arts department!! So that's a pretty big deal to me. I'm happy. I'm coming to Danville the end of June. If you would like me to bless you with my presents (which happens to be my presence), I shall do so. Well, that's all from me. Gooodbye. Keep posting. Or Post. Peace out.


MAF said...

Awesome Brian!!!! way to go man. That is such sweet news... not about the tooth, the art thing.

Anonymous said...
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Marisa said...

Congrats on V.A. Brian! I know how hard it is to get into that program... I made a feeble attempt once and it didn't work out. Sometimes I wish I had tried again. Oh well. Anyway, way to go my multi-talented winking friend! You are amazing!

PJ Andersen said...

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Brian!! I can't wait for you to come here so I can give you a congratulatory kiss. I hope your tooth feels funny and good. Love, PJ